

The esteemed founder of Al Hikma and our beloved father, Al Haj Ghulam Shabbir Qureshi rahmatullah alaih, was born in the humble village of Tanyot, Kotli, Azad Kashmir, in the year 1956. At a mere 10 years old, he commenced a transformative journey to London, United Kingdom, alongside his respected father, Al Haj Ali Sher Qureshi Rahmatullah.

From an early age, he demonstrated remarkable entrepreneurial spirit, initiating his business ventures upon completing his education. As children, we were witness to numerous miracles, with one of the most profound being his unwavering commitment to his faith and his remarkable acts of kindness and generosity towards others.

A significant part of his enduring legacy includes the construction of two significant mosques in Azad Kashmir, which are now cornerstones of the local communities, providing Quran classes, daily prayers, and hosting a multitude of religious events and activities. These mosques embody his devotion to fostering spiritual and religious spaces for the community. Furthermore, his sponsorship of Hajj and Umrah journeys for hundreds of individuals during his lifetime exemplified his dedication to facilitating the sacred pilgrimage for those who otherwise may not have had the opportunity.

His ethos of diligence and persistence in seeing things through left an indelible mark on our hearts. His relentless efforts were not just confined to personal success but extended to making a positive impact on the lives of those around him. His dedication to his principles and the well-being of others became a source of inspiration for our entire family.

On the 1st of Ramadhan in April 2022, Al Haj Ghulam Shabbir Qureshi rahmatullah alaihpeacefully departed from this world after bravely battling cancer. Yet, even in his moments of trial, his unwavering spirit shone brightly as he expressed a profound wish to continue his charitable work—a legacy we are fully committed to carrying forward.

As we reflect on the extraordinary life, we offer prayers for his soul and express heartfelt gratitude for the profound guidance and foundation he provided. His legacy of compassion, resilience, and selflessness continues to illuminate our path, inspiring us to continue the noble work he began. In his memory, we pledge to uphold his vision and strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others, through Al Hikma’s charitableendeavours.